As a supplier for IT or non-IT services please follow the procure-to-pay process described in the following.
1) Contract / Purchase Order
As supplier for services you will either receive an individual contract or a purchase order. Either document will be send to you as a PDF document attached to a mail.
And either document will contain the purchase order (PO) number.
The contract or order will be not be signed from our side.
2) Contract signature / Order Confirmation
Please sign individual contracts that you receive (e.g. by our provider Metafinanz) and send the signed contract in electronic format back to Allianz Technology.
For purchase orders we do not need an order confirmation.
Yet in case you do not agree to the terms and conditions please come back to us.
Note: the formerly Billing information document sent to several service suppliers will not be created and send anymore. The purchase order number will now be already send with the contract / purchase order.
3) Time Sheets
Please send the timesheets by email to your contact person for the service or project in Allianz Technology.
4) Invoices
Please create your invoice with all the information mentioned in the following list. The purchase order number provided by Allianz is absolutely mandatory since this is the key identifier to link your invoice to the related purchase order. Therefore we ask for your understanding that invoices without a purchase order will not be processed and send back to the supplier.
Please send your invoice as a PDF document via email to the following central inbox:
Please send one invoice per email and do not compress / zip the attached file. There is a robot assigned to this inbox that is automatically downloading the PDF documents. Messages within the email will not be read and therefore not considered.
The following information must be stated on an invoice so that it can be accepted according to the legal requirements:
- Your complete company name & address
- Our complete company name & address
- Invoice/ Reference number
- Invoice Date
- Allianz Purchase Order number
- Quantity and type of goods / service
- Net amounts separated by tax rate
- Applicable tax rate
- Start date of your invoiced service
- End date of your invoiced service
- Terms of Payment
- Your tax or VAT ID
- Our taxID (only for reverse charge)
- Your complete bank details