Welcome to the Allianz Technology SE Procure-to-Pay Supplier Portal


Welcome to the Allianz Technology SE Procure-to-Pay Supplier Portal.

Ariba Procure-to-Pay provides us with a single, digital process for ordering, invoicing and paying for the goods and services we buy across Allianz Technology SE.
Our aim is to achieve completely paper-free ordering and payment processing to increase efficiency for both our suppliers and Allianz.

What does this mean for you?

  • Allianz will issue electronic purchase orders (PO’s) which you will receive via email and can access within the Ariba portal
  • PO’s will confirm the details of the order and terms & conditions which will govern the order
  • You will then electronically confirm the order has been accepted
  • Once your invoice is recorded within Ariba, your invoice will be reconciled and enable payment to be made in line with the agreed terms


There are two types of access:

  • Standard Account (previously Light Account): offers standard access to the portal which is free to access. Details of the account features and how to register are provided on the “Standard Account Supplier” tab.
  • Enterprise Account (previously Fully Enabled): offers comprehensive access to the portal, primarily for catalogue suppliers. Guidance on how to set up your account is provided on the “Enterprise Account Supplier” tab.

At a minimum, you will need to register for a Standard Account, which is free of charge.

All suppliers can make their own decision as to the type of connection that suits them best. The following parameters should be taken into account in this regard:

  • Number of transactions/amount of order value with Allianz
  • Supplier's own outlay involved in creating the invoice in the Ariba Network
  • Work organization in the supplier's own company
  • Individual company or company with various subsidiaries
  • Are other customers already served using the Ariba Network?
  • Fees

              Please refer to the table at the bottom of the page for more guidance on which type of account is best for you.

The type of connection can be changed at any time.

Please contact Allianz at

Email : azs-supplier-desk@allianz.com
Phone: +49 89-3800-12837 (from 08:00 to 17:00)

  • If you have an electronic catalogue for your goods that has not been included in the procurement system;
  • If you exchange more than 300 documents (purchase orders, invoices and goods receipt) a year with Allianz and are interested in machine-to-machine integration.

For more information on the fees and differences in the accounts, please go to the Ariba Subscription and Pricing web page Ariba Subscriptions and Pricing or contact our Supplier Helpdesk.

Please note that you will need to set up a separate registration for Allianz’s e-tendering portal, Source to Contract (S2C), or in Ariba if you work across multiple Allianz Organisational Entities (OE’s).

Help Desk for Suppliers

If you have any questions or problems regarding your order, invoice, or how to use the Ariba Network Portal, you have the option of contacting us directly at our Supplier Helpdesk

Email : azs-supplier-desk@allianz.com

Phone: +49 89-3800-12837 (from 08:00 to 17:00)

What type of Ariba account is best for you?


Swipe to view more

Enterprise Account Suppliers
Standard Account Suppliers
Dispatch of order/BPO

Suppliers can select the type of dispatch themselves in their Ariba Network Account:

a) By e-mail (most suppliers)

b) e-mail with data record (for semi-automated further processing)

c) Data record directly in the supplier's order system (only for a small number of suppliers with a large number of transactions)

  • By mail and in the Ariba Network Account
Invoice transmission

Suppliers can select the type of transmission themselves in their Ariba Network Account:

a) By PO flip (most suppliers)

b) Uploading of invoice data in Excel format (small number of suppliers)

c) Data record directly from the supplier's invoice system to the Ariba Network, resulting in transmission to the Allianz system (only for a small number of suppliers with a large number of transactions)

  • Using "PO flip", i.e. the conversion of the order/BPO into an invoice
Enterprise Account Suppliers

We have put together instructions for using the Ariba Network below:

Before you receive your first order, please set up your account in the Ariba Network – among other things, you need to set up your bank account details.

Enterprise Account service providers for Allianz Technology SEPlease refer to the description for creating the order confirmation
and the invoice on the Service Provider page
If you want to keep sending us paper invoices, then please refer to the information in the following instructions:
Standard Account Suppliers

Important: Suppliers providing services for Allianz Technology SE should refer to the description on the page "Service Suppliers".

For Standard Accounts all orders are sent via email. The order email can be used to create the invoice.

Additionally, you have access to the Ariba Network Portal and can do the following:

  • Permanently deposit data about your company in your profile. This data is automatically included when the invoice is created so that you do not have to enter it again for each invoice.
  • View your last 200 documents.
  • Create and submit an invoice. The order email can be sent again at any time so you do not need to search for the original order email.
  • View the payment status of your invoices.
  • Create multiple users so that different editors can manage the orders and create invoices.


In order to become a "Standard Account" supplier, you must first register with Ariba. When you click on "Process Order" you
will be asked to create a free account. Once registration is complete you will simply need to log-in the next time you submit
an invoice via the order email. The registration procedure can be found in the following guidance documents:


How to use the Ariba Network Portal

Guidance on how to use the Ariba Network Portal is explained in the following documents:


Creating an Invoice

Guidance on how to confirm an order and create an invoice are explained in the following documents:

If you want to keep sending us paper invoices, then please refer to the information in the following instructions:
Service supplier

Procurement of IT and non-IT Professional Services as well as service providers for Allianz Technology SE takes
place via the procurement process in the Ariba procurement system (internal name: OneSource).

This results in the following procedures for you:

  • The contract / order (contract, Purchase Order)
  • Your order confirmation
  • Your service entry
  • Your invoicing

The procedure differs for Light Account (Now : Standard Account) and Full-enabled suppliers (Now Enterprise Account).
If you do not know whether you are Standard Account or Enterprise Account Supplier, you can assume that you
may be still light-enabled.

More detailed information can be obtained from Allianz's internal account management - or
by contacting us at : azs-supplier-desk@allianz.com



You receive the order via email directly sent by our Ariba procurement platform OneSource. This order will have the
Contract document incl. service description as an attachment - the latter possibly as a separate annex document.
The order form and the contract represents our order, which is no longer required to be signed - and you too do not
have to countersign and return it.

Order confirmation
To confirm the order please open the email you receive. Then click on the button “confirm”, thus sending
the order confirmation to us. In case you cannot provide the services as specified and agreed please contact procurement.

Service entry and invoicing

You can generate the invoice from the order email. If you no longer have this mail at hand, you can resend
your order mail at any time from your Ariba Network account. After entering and sending the invoice the
service notification, so-called ‘service entry sheet’ is automatically created and sent to the requestor in Alliance
for approval. With the approval of the service entry sheet by the requestor, invoice processing is triggered.

This eliminates the transmission of the performance report in the form of the Excel file or other performance
reports - ie. the order-to-pay process is now digitized end-to-end. Please use our instructions:


If your client requires an hourly proof, you will create a detailed proof of performance for each employee you use.
IT service suppliers please use the following Excel file. Non-IT suppliers can use their own file after aligning with
the requestor in Alliance. Please send the file to the requestor - the name and eMail address is mentioned on the order.



You receive the order from our OneSource Ariba System directly in your Ariba Network Account. Depending on
your account settings the order remains in your inbox, will be forwarded to you as email. For some suppliers
we implemented machine-to-machine integration- for these suppliers the order from OneSource will be
uploaded directly into your ordering system.

This order has as attachment the contract document incl. the service description – or possibly as a separate annex
document. The order form and the application constitute our assignment, which is no longer signed by Allianz Technology SE - and
you no longer have to be counter sign and return it to us.

Order confirmation

Instead of the counter signatures of the contract, you now only require to send us an order confirmation. To
confirm the order please open the email you receive or the order in your Ariba Network Account. Then click
on the button “confirm”, thus sending the order confirmation to us.

In case you cannot provide the services as specified and agreed please contact procurement.

Service entry and Invoicing

Please generate the invoice from the order. To do this, call up the order from the inbox in your Ariba Network
account and initiate billing. After entering and sending the invoice, the service notification - the so-called Service
Entry Sheet - is automatically created and sent to the requestor in the Alliance for approval. With the approval
of the service entry sheet by the requestor, invoice processing and payment will then be initiated.

This eliminates the transmission of the performance report in the form of the Excel file or other performance
messages - i.e the order-to-pay process is now digitized end-to-end.

For process description of the order confirmation, performance confirmation and invoicing as an Enterprise
Account Supplier, please refer to Tab ‘Enterprise Account Supplier


If your client requires an hourly proof, you will create a detailed proof of performance for each employee you use.
IT service suppliers please use the following Excel file. Non-IT suppliers can use their own file after aligning
with the requestor in Alliance. Please send the file to the requestor - the name and eMail address is mentioned on the order.


Exeption: billing by eMail

For you as well as for us, creating the invoice through the Ariba Network is the most efficient and fastest way to invoice processing and payment. If you still need to send us the invoice by e-mail in exceptional cases, then please proceed as follows:

FOR Allianz Technology SE

IT Service Suppliers: First, create a performance confirmation in the form of the Excel files listed below


Please send the file to the following email address: External-Spend@allianz.com

The performance overview is entered internally with us and must then be released by the requestor. Only then can an existing invoice be posted.

In addition, send the invoice as a PDF document via email to the following addresses :


Please send an email per invoice and do not compress / zip the attached file.

General Purchasing Terms and Conditions

All our orders are made on terms and conditions that are documented in a written agreement between the
Allianz Company and the Supplier (you). If there is no explicit contract between you and the Allianz
Company, the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase listed below apply.

Valid terms and conditions of purchase for Allianz Technology SE (English version only)


Older purchasing conditions for Allianz Technology SE